- The USV-JSC has approved the wearing of a Braided Purple and White Shoulder Cord that all USV-JSC members can wear. Effective date: 01 October 2023. THIS IS AN OPTIONAL PURCHASE FOR THE CLASS A UNIFORM.
- The USV member shall be responsible for the cost and purchasing of this specific Shoulder Cord.
To maintain uniformity all of the specific Shoulders Cords will be purchased from Glendale Parade Store. USV members to call or email either customerservice@glendale.com / phone sales- # 1-800-653-5515 or 1-800-300-3801, sales representative is Cheryl, her email is: cheryl@glendale.com. Address: 125754 O’Connor RD., San Antonio, TX 782233 FAX # 1-800-555-9269 to order.
- The set-up fee to manufacture the special-order Shoulder Cord has already been paid to Glendale Parade Store by USV-JSC NHQ.
- Qualified USV-JSC members will purchase the Braid, with attachment pin, directly from Glendale Parade Store (Cost $15.25 plus sales tax and shipping and is subject to cost increase at any time). This is a Special Order and is NOT Refundable. If a Commander orders in bulk, they should ask the sales representative for a bulk discount.
- Tell the Sales Representative, Cheryl, you want to special order the braid SKU#452C2PPRWH w/attachment pin. The pin allows our officers to fix the braid onto their uniform.
- The braided Purple and White Wide Shoulder Cord will be worn on the Class A Uniform only. Shoulder Cord will be worn on the right shoulder. Enlisted will place the Cord under their Shoulder Epaulet, the Officers will use the accompanying pin to secure it to the top of their right shoulder.